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Welcome to SXSW Africa Innovation House 2024!

Join us for an exciting event focused on “Entrepreneurial Innovation for Climate Resilience: Shaping Africa’s Sustainable Future” is an engaging 5-hour seminar session hosted by The Beta Collective at SXSW 2024’s Africa Innovation House. This event brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders to explore African-led innovations in climate resilience and sustainability.

Event Description:

Join us at SXSW 2024 for a forum hosted by The Beta Collective at the Africa Innovation House. We are dedicated to bringing together entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders to explore African-led innovations in climate resilience and sustainability.

In a world facing unprecedented climate challenges, we want to equip Africa’s innovators to create sustainable, resilient solutions. This forum will explore how entrepreneurial innovation can drive climate resilience, focusing on three critical areas:

  • Theme 1: Participating in the Carbon Economy: How African entrepreneurs can engage in the carbon economy, barriers to entry, the impact of policy on market participation, and real-world examples of successful carbon economy initiatives in Africa.
  • Theme 2: Meeting Future Energy Needs Sustainably: Innovations in renewable energy, challenges in scaling up sustainable energy solutions in diverse African environments, and the role of government and private investment.
  • Theme 3: Digital Sustainability for Environmental Protection: Leveraging technology for environmental protection, case studies on digital tools aiding in sustainability, and strategies for scaling digital solutions.


  • Understanding the challenges and landscape
  • Identification of opportunities
  • Finding collaborators
  • Platform for Startups/businesses to engage with mentors and investors

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