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Looking to meet new friends? Searching for new opportunities? Or simply looking to be in a queer space with other fellow humans?

Come join Out in Tech ATX at Cheer Up Charlies on Tuesday, February 20.

Whether you’re interested in tech, working in tech, or you’re tech-adjacent (hint: that’s everyone), come mingle with us, have a beverage of choice, and meet the fabulous members of your ATX Out in Tech community.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Out in Tech is the world’s largest non-profit community of LGBTQ+ tech leaders. We create opportunities for our 50,000 members to advance their careers, grow their networks, and leverage tech for social change. Connect with 20k LGBTQ+ tech professionals in our Slack channel.

Each local chapter (and many virtual ones) provide opportunities for folks to engage with us and each other. Our events educate and inspire with panels, career events, and more. If you have felt inspired and supported by these events, please consider supporting our work by making a donation to Out in Tech.

Note: Out in Tech’s Code of Conduct applies to all our spaces, online and IRL. Photographs may be taken at this event. Please notify someone at check-in if you prefer not to be photographed.

Need to reach out to OIT staff? Email [email protected] (we promise we check it)

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